The Mobility Manager

The Mobility Manager

by Mariapaola Rovetta

In a historical moment like the present one, we know that the scenario in terms of employment are not the rosiest, due to the effects of the pandemic. However, this is not true for all sectors if we consider the fact that the changes taking place have also led to the creation of new roles to be included in the world of work. Among these is that of the Mobility Manager, which was actually created over twenty years ago following the Kyoto Agreements of 1997, with the Ministerial Decree of March 27, 1998 dedicated to the rules on “Sustainable Mobility in Urban Areas.” The purpose, at that time, was to reduce pollution emissions. The legislation provided for the inclusion of the Mobility Manager in public bodies with more than 300 employees and in companies with at least 800 resources and in some zones identified as areas at risk of atmospheric pollution.

The novelty today consists of the fact that with the D. L. n. 34/2020, converted into Law no. 77/2020 for companies and public administration, the role of the Mobility Manager has become mandatory for all companies with more than 100 employees located in provincial capitals, metropolitan areas and municipalities with more than 50,000 inhabitants. The role will mainly have to deal with the organisation of the Employee Home / Work Travel Plan (PSCL). All companies that are in the above conditions are obliged to appoint the Mobility Manager by 31 December of each year.

The aim now is to optimise the movements of the employees themselves and to reduce their environmental impact through an organisation that involves the reduction of the use of private cars, possibility of avoiding traffic during peak hours and the alternation between days of work in presence and days in remote working. Naturally, the Mobility Manager must proceed through an analysis of the areas in which the workplaces are located, accessibility of the workplaces themselves, possibility for employees to avoid the use of a private car, taking advantage of public transport or bicycles or the possibility of sharing a car with colleagues, including the personal needs of resources, all by comparing it with the objective problems connected to the territory. Among the tools that the Mobility Manager can adopt, there is also the possibility, as an alternative to remote working, to modify where possible, employee schedules, making work shifts more flexible and creating opportunities to encourage employees to take a different approach regarding mobility.

In order to carry out the tasks of Mobility Manager, a university degree is not required. An ad hoc training course is sufficient in order to be in possession of the specific knowledge and technical skills necessary. Returning to what was said at the beginning, it is one of the roles increasingly in demand as it has the objective of facilitating an exit to this Covid-19 pandemic.