Diego Meucci has been working at Trifirò&Partners Firm since 2003 and has focused on Employment Law (public and private) and Civil Law, assisting Private Companies (including Multinationals), as well as public companies, such as Local Authorities and Local Health Authorities.
Diego collaborates directly with the HR Office of Companies in the operational phase of HR tasks, such as hiring and termination contracts, risk analysis, management of disciplinary aspects, provides legal assistance for the drafting and revision of Company's policies and the preparation of Collective agreements. Diego has developed specific skills across the Employment Law and Information Technology, as well as in the field of Privacy. In addition to the consultancy side Diego provides assistance in Civil litigations before all national Courts, as well as in arbitration and ADR proceedings.
He graduated in Law from the University of Milan and has been an Attorney since 2008 and is the author of articles and notes published by Il Sole 24 ore.it and Economymagazine.it.
He was co-author of the "Guida al Lavoro" Itinera published by Ipsoa 2016, the "Codice di Diritto del Lavoro"- published by Tribuna Maggiore 2016 and other publications in collaboration with Corriere della Sera. He regularly participates as a speaker at conferences and webinars on Employment Law issues. He also collaborates on scientific publications by Trifirò & Partners, T&P news and annual highlights, dedicated to specific topics of Employment Law.