Enrico graduated in Law in 1999 from the University of Turin discussing a thesis on Labour Criminal Law entitled "Work safety in the construction sector" and has been an Attorney since 2008.
After starting his professional career in the Legal Department of a leading printing company in the role of Legal and General Affairs Manager, he later became HR Manager. Subsequently, he joined an articulated group in the automotive sector as HR Group Manager. He gained consolidated experience in the management of legal disputes on employment relations. He deals with Employment Law and Civil law and he advises Italian and foreign companies, with a particular focus on small and medium-sized enterprises.
Enrico also regularly provides legal assistance before all Courts as well as in arbitration proceedings in a wide-rage sectors.
He is a contributor to Trifirò & Partners' scientific publications, T&P news and annual Highlights, dedicated to specific topics of Employment, Corporate, Banking and Insurance Law.
He attended the Higher Professional School in Employment Law organized by AGI - Italian Employment Lawyers Association - for the two-year period 2017-2018.
He is also a member of the Turin Bar Association.


Legitimate dismissal (for poor performance) only if the employee is informed in advance of the requirements to be met

Ha pubblicato, su riviste specializzate in diritto del lavoro, commenti ed interventi in materia strettamente sindacale e giuslavoristica.