Vittorio Provera is a Senior Partner of Trifirò & Partners Law Firm.
He advises companies and industrial groups, Italian and foreign, belonging to multiple industries, such as services, including leading insurance companies, banking, telecommunications and energy. He developed a wide experience in out-of-court consultancy on corporate, commercial, banking and insurance Law. In the field of consultancy, he deals with strategic issues of particular importance in the field of Civil Law related to activities and needs of companies and in particular he focuses on commercial, real estate, financial and insurance agreements, as well as assistance in corporate acquisitions, transfers, divisions, mergers and on competition and compliance issues also of listed and supervised companies (banks, financial companies and insurance). At the same time he operates in the field of litigations, both from the active and passive side, before Territorial Courts and before the highest Court “Corte di Cassazione”, as well as in arbitration proceedings.
He is mentioned in periodicals, journals and legal guides in Company Law, commercial agreements and also Employment Law.
He collaborates with specialized magazines on business issues and is author of books and publications, also participating in conferences and webinars, as Speaker, on corporate, commercial and employment law issues.
He is a member of the Civil Justice Commission/Committee on Company Law of the Council of Milan Bar Association and of AGI - Italian Employment Lawyers Association.
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