Stefano Trifirò has gained experience in Employment Law and Commercial Law, advising leading Italian and foreign companies in the manufacturing sector and the Fashion Industry in important corporate reconstruction, social liquidation and consequent liability actions. Stefano also provides regular legal assistance to primary Companies, Manager and Executives before all Courts, including the higher ones such as Constitutional Court, European Court of Human Rights and Court of Justice of the European Union, as well as in arbitration proceedings in various issues, including the appeal of individual dismissals, liability actions pursuant to article 2087 of the Italian Civil Code, management issues with reference to articles 2393 and 2476 of the Italian Civil Code, appeal of resolutions of shareholders' meetings.
He graduated from the University “Statale” of Milan. Stefano has been Attorney since 1991 and is the author of referred articles and notes for the main specialized journal and magazines such as Forbes, Il Corriere della Sera and Italia Oggi. He regularly participates as Speaker and Lecturer in conferences, seminars, webinars on Employment and Commercial Law.
He is a contributor to the scientific publications of Trifirò & Partners, T&P news and annual highlights, dedicated to specific issues of Labour, Corporate, Banking and Insurance Law.
Stefano has been a member of AGI - Italian Employment Lawyers Association - since its foundation.
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